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Everything you need to know about managing your painted strata properties.

Managing your painted strata property can be one of the most expensive and stressful tasks for a strata manager.  With so many stakeholders to manage, budgets to balance and a highly visible outcome, strata managers need all the help they can get to make this project a complete success.  Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered.

Our guide has everything you need to know about managing your painted strata properties for ultimate success.

You'll learn:
  • The four most important variables to getting the most bang for your sinking fund buck - and how to manipulate them to your advantage
  • How to keep residents happy and comfortable during the painting project
  • The secrets to ensuring your paintwork lasts longer, looks better and is more cost-effective than the industry average.

If you’re looking to offer the best strata management services and drive constant improvements in your operations, this guide is for you.