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Case Study: IKEA Adelaide maintains its glow

The prominent IKEA Adelaide retail outlet within Adelaide Airport was ready for a facelift.

Our Adelaide team has a proven track record in rejuvenating active retail sites, and we were happy to show off our expertise again at IKEA Adelaide.


The challenge

IKEA Adelaide is the only retail outlet of the Swedish home furniture giant in the Greater Adelaide region. Located in the Adelaide Airport precinct, the store receives considerable foot and motor traffic. The iconic colour scheme captures the attention of passers-by, so IKEA Adelaide's management chose to be proactive and repaint the exterior to revitalise their facility to maintain the visual appeal that their stores are known for.

One of the main challenges within this repainting project was the location. Dealing with significant traffic was not the only problem; the store's operation in Adelaide Airport added another layer of compliance. Access areas needed to remain uninhibited throughout the project’s delivery. Most importantly, the customers needed to feel safe while shopping at IKEA Adelaide.   


Our local Adelaide team was selected to uplift the iconic exterior of IKEA’s Adelaide Airport location. We were preferred over other contractors due to our comprehensive proposal, which included work schedules, expected shutdown periods, and our demonstrated experience nationally in delivering exceptional outcomes at retail stores.

Before the commencement of the project, permits were obtained via Adelaide Airport Limited (AAL), the governing body overseeing all operations within Adelaide Airport. Permits were granted after AAL approved our proposed access methodology, which featured a mix of fixed scaffolding and boom lifts.

We maintained regular communication with IKEA Adelaide’s Operations Manager, providing routine updates on progress and impending works. Our carefully curated operations plan tackled access areas for retail customers during non-trading hours. While IKEA Adelaide traded, all patrons were kept safe with our well-signed and barricaded areas.


Our operations team completed the extensive external repaint within 16 weeks. Despite the project's elevated levels of compliance, our thorough planning from day one enabled a seamless end-to-end delivery. Now, IKEA Adelaide has maintained its enticing blue and yellow glow that attracts customers from near and far.

  • During
  • After
  • During
  • After
  • After
  • During

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