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Case Study: Ingenuity solves access issues at St Andrews Lutheran College

The exterior of several buildings at St Andrews Lutheran College had become worn down, with tender-love-and-care required to revive the once-vibrant facades.

The buildings position atop a steep hill provided a challenge our Gold Coast team was happy to accept.

J Block

The challenge

Since the 2017 bushfires, St Andrews Lutheran College has rebuilt its facilities including the J Block – a three-storey concrete and brick structure precariously placed at the apex of an undulating hill. The condition of the facilities was okay, however, they were in need of their first repaint since reconstruction. As could be expected, access was the major challenge in this environment – with a well-constructed methodology necessary to succeed. Further complicating this was the lack of anchor points required for ropes access. Adjacent to this hulking structure is the school's administration building, providing a similar challenge with access.


Our Gold Coast team’s philosophy for seeking productive and efficient solutions that deliver the best outcomes to the client was on display in this repaint. We created an access plan featuring a combination of abseil, boom lift, and scaffolding - slashing thousands of dollars from the cost of the project.

On Block J, access was managed with 45-ft and 85-ft boom lifts, with certain areas requiring scaffolding. Our drastic reduction of scaffolding was able to generate a great saving for the school. For the administration building, we installed new roof anchors along with core drilling into sun hoods to create a way to attach ropes. This provided a platform for our abseil painters to apply their craft and overhaul the building.


Our team of up to eight operatives completed the repaint across a two month period. The school’s exterior has been revivified by our dramatic painting overhaul, with the new paintwork bound to help attract staff and students leading into 2023. Check out the transformation below.

  • After
  • Before
  • After
  • After
  • Before

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