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Case Study: Sacred Heart College

Case Study: Maintenance Painting

The key to this project was a painting solution that offered both planned maintenance and flexibility to complete the areas needing urgent work. 

In the first year, Higgins Coatings surpassed the school’s expectations by implementing a team of 20 painters and successfully completing an extensive amount of work within an extremely tight timeframe.

School maintenance Melbourne - The Peninsula School

The challenge

Overlooking Port Phillip Bay on the Mornington Peninsula, Peninsula Grammar provides a world-class education catering for approximately 1,400 students. The school collectively consists of many unique facilities including boarding houses, arts technology centres and sporting pavilions, all requiring a unique painting maintenance solution.

The first challenge for Higgins Coatings was to provide a painting solution that incorporated both scheduled annual maintenance, and the flexibility to complete areas of work as the school required. A tailored solution needed to provide the right amount of maintenance for each building, since the paint conditions varied a lot.

The second challenge was to put a schedule in place that allowed the Higgins team to manage the different project locations effectively. A separate process also needed to be established so that Higgins could communicate well with the many personnel involved in this project.


Together the Higgins management team developed a tailored solution to manage the varying needs of Peninsula Grammar over a three-year period. The key to this project was targeted maintenance where it was needed most, and a flexible maintenance schedule for the school to use as they required.

A team of 20 painters was on hand to complete all of the work within the very tight time frame. There was no compromise on quality or safety either, since the team used the Higgins’ ISO certified HOW system, which has live site based reporting.

“Higgins Coatings maintained communication with multiple people before, during, and after the project. Their responsiveness was fantastic and meant the project was delivered with minimal interruption or fuss”.

Maintenance Manager, Peninsula Grammar



By implementing Higgins Project Delivery Strategy, the project was completed on schedule and with no disruptions to the operations of the school.

Throughout the project, Higgins management structure provided clear lines of communication with multiple people in order to keep everyone updated. Higgins Coatings took a completely flexible approach so that the project worked to the school’s needs and time frame.

To prevent expensive repairs in the future, a Maintenance Painting Solution was also implemented, which will provide annual audits and periodic maintenance to slow down deterioration and prevent water from penetrating cracks and damaging layers underneath.

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